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Our kids prefer plays over movies!

This past Christmas we took our kids to see “Christmas Carol” at the Seacoast Repertory Theater in Portsmouth, NH. When we walked in to the theater, our five-year old said “Oh, I love this place”. We sat in the front row and were able to really experience the action.

We try to take our children to at least one play a year, and they have loved every one of them. They have also seen Sleeping Beauty and the Chronicles of Narnia.

We go to the movies often and there is something about watching live actors that will outdo even some of the best movies. 

To see a movie at our local movie cinema costs $10 per adult and $7 per child ($3.50 more per ticket if a 3D movie). To see the “Hobbit“, playing in February at the Seacoast Repertory Theater, we paid $10 per ticket. So for almost the same amount of money you can introduce your children to art and culture, and a magical experience.

Follow this link for a listing theaters throughout New Hampshire.